Why Do I Blog?

My abilities to counsel life, marriages & deliver spiritual insights began ever since I was in my teenage. This is to share such experiences to people across the globe. As the tagline suggests, experiences are similar, just that people aren't. We all go through the same thing. But never learn through someone else's mistakes, because as we fail to notice.

To all my followers, I shall share the experiences & my counselling which sure will help you in some way or the other!

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Known is a drop

Our forefathers have said, "Katrathu, kai alavu & kallaththu kadal alavau", a literal translation of this is, "known is a handful and unknown is an ocean." The English variant to this is what says, "Known is a drop and unknown is an ocean."

I recently went to a book shop in a mall and the cooking section of books caught my attention.

I saw a book that struck me so hard. The title of the book was, "125 million Italian recipes." While I possess limited knowledge in Italian cuisine, such as pasta, salads and pizzas,  a number as 125 million was hard to digest. But sure is a wake up call.


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