The current education system demands replications of texts, phrases and sentences from the books to test answer sheets. The education system doesn't validate the understanding of the students. And we, happily forget what we studied over night after dumping them in a span of three hours. And then preparation for next exam starts and students forget what they studied once the exam is over. We don't read again unless we don't qualify that particular subject.
Ask any student to explain why sugar gets equally distributed in a cup of tea, chances are less that they can relate it to diffusion. How many Electrical & Electronic Engineers are able to fix a repaired iron box at home?!
That's the difference between studying and learning.
If by seeing the movie "Sethupathi", a Tamil movie where the child rises up to the occasion and handles the situation, but becomes passive when it doesn't require intervention, if a student of Psychology or Emotional Intelligence or HR Specialization recognizes and relates it to "Emergent Leadership", then learning has really taken place.
Same is the interesting difference between listening and hearing. A lot of us are capable of hearing. But we unconsciously ignore the ability to listen and merely hear to what's going on around us. By hearing, our ears can grasp the sound of a fan, honk, bell and whatever. But when we listen, we imbibe, we process and assimilate the inputs of the teacher, friend or our partner.
Are you differentiating?