Why Do I Blog?

My abilities to counsel life, marriages & deliver spiritual insights began ever since I was in my teenage. This is to share such experiences to people across the globe. As the tagline suggests, experiences are similar, just that people aren't. We all go through the same thing. But never learn through someone else's mistakes, because as we fail to notice.

To all my followers, I shall share the experiences & my counselling which sure will help you in some way or the other!

Sunday, 15 July 2018

The Universe Gives You Everything

Little does one realize that the plentiful universe has everything one needs.

The design of universe with availability of Flora and Fauna and the beautiful way the two coexist while one gives out CO2 and the other takes it in for its living. The release of the oxygen by flora is vital for the living of the fauna.

The universe has blessed us with plenty of all that one needs, as humans, most of us have access to clean water, air, food. We have the leverage to choose and make options of what we want too.

There's a saying, every grain of rice that we eat today, was sowed several weeks and months ahead before it reached us today. Such is the blessings of the plentiful universe.

Apart from basic needs, we also have family, society with/in which we live and exchange a lot of support, given to us by the universe.

We also have social needs, to be rich, famous, well traveled, possess brands and tags that boost one's identity.

And the universe, kind universe is so awesome and acknowledge all our needs and wants.

All that we need, desire and wants are around us. The universe has seeded the thought of what one needs, wants and desires based on what it has to offer.

While the plentiful universe gives us all that we want, it also gives us what we don't want.

It does gives us bad experiences, bruises us physically and emotionally. We fall and make mistakes. The unconditional universe gives us pain and gain equally.

The only difference is, whether one may deny or not, the needs are always fulfilled and given to us. But what one doesn't need, is a choice the universe leaves with us.

The universe gives us what we need to ensure that we give back what is expected of us.

But, It's up to one's own choices to choose what he/she doesn't want to own. It's at the individual level to reject what one doesn't need. It's up to us to refuse bad company, a bad partner, a possible failure and a bad/misled investment.

The universe gives the good and the bad unconditionally. It's up to the awake soul to stay away from what isn't needed.
