Why Do I Blog?

My abilities to counsel life, marriages & deliver spiritual insights began ever since I was in my teenage. This is to share such experiences to people across the globe. As the tagline suggests, experiences are similar, just that people aren't. We all go through the same thing. But never learn through someone else's mistakes, because as we fail to notice.

To all my followers, I shall share the experiences & my counselling which sure will help you in some way or the other!

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Let's make our country great, again!

The simple reason that a lot of leaders from well known organisations such as Facebook Google Uber Twitter etc National Leader from Canada are voicing out their stance against the immigration ban and the executive orders of the President shows their ability to embrace inclusivity and diversity.

Diversity and freewill will only enhance the world to go to heights and enable trade and flow of business.

In a letter written by one of the Presidents of a prestigious institution, it acknowledged the security reasons for the country while at same time the ban needs to be reconsidered.

A while lot of popular figures like Sergey Brin, Sundar Pichai, Jack Dorsey and Hollywood figures like George Clooney and others are against the move that has upset a whole lot of people.

This move is also named irreparable loss which might continue to create it's own impact.

Immigrants (who have the free will, choice & politically stable country) must go back to their nations and make their own country great again! That would probably show what a loss this ban means!


Tuesday, 17 January 2017

To repay to God!

Serving His kids and His creations is a way to serve Himself. To help the one nearest to you, in small and in very insignificant contributions makes huge difference to the reciever.

The reciever calls it in his own heart as blessings in disguise.

There was this incident which took place between an intelligent person and a wise man.

The intelligent person said, "God had given me abundantly and more than what I need. And I'm giving it back to him in the temple donation collection lockers. I don't even see the denomination of the currency note as I deposit it."

It indeed was true that God gave him abundantly and it is a beautiful emotion to give back to the form who's blessed us so much.

Filtering the emotions from facts, and applying a rational opinion, the wise man replied, "come out of these temples and see aged and old women, who are barely clothed and suffering for a mouthful of food. They have no access to clean water. At an old age they have nothing to offer to make money in order to feed and cover themselves. Make your unconditional donations to them. For taking care of His children is as much as returning the favour to Him."

Doing so is a blessing in disguise for the one who recieves it. Take care of His children and His creation, pay attention to nature and respect the resources He's given. God will not feel offended or feel he's been taken advantage of.

Is there a better way to pay Him back? Write your opinion in the comments section below!
